A JackTrip Server is a MUST for JackStreamer or any JackTrip Clients to function


1. Your own JackTrip Server with freeware JackTrip Software

        - Public IP address so JackStreamer clients can connect to it

       - Powerful desktop machine that can handle the desired number of users

       - Connected to an Internet that can handle the bandwidth needed. Say for example, 48K/16bit x 2 ch = approx. 2 Mbps per user. So, if you plan to support 10 user ensemble then downlink and uplink (ciritial in many ISP) MUST be more than 25 Mpbps at min.  Please use free online tools to check your internet speed at Server location


2. Rent a Cloud based JackTrip Server from 3rd Party providers [Preferred]

            Musicians Together Apart

    -        JackTrip Foundation - Virtual Studio Server

* All you need is IP address and FPP (set at Server)


3. Purchase a Rasbperry based Jack Server (under development)

               - The JackServer is standlone Raspberry4 computer tailored to run Jacktrip Server

            - Multiple JackStreamer (jacktrip) clients to connect

            - It is very cost effective way to drop in to setup a server

            - A public IP address to assign to the box so clinets from outside can connet to

            - Enough bandwidth. E.g. if 4 users then min.  (4x2.5) 10 Mbps up/down speed is a MUST.

            - Simple GUI based control to Server options such as # of users, mode, change IP address, etc.

            - You may need IT expertise to open up UDP port numbers on wifi  or campus router.


How to Setup 3rd Party Server and connect JackStreamers:

            - Follow the link to 3rd Party Server web site and steps to start a server.

            - You may need to specify the number of users (JackStreamers), FPP and Queue length

            - You will be given a IP address or server name and note down the FPP value set on server.

            - You can ignore the Q value as it is local to Server only (same as Client

            - All JackServer users enter the IP address (server name) and Select same FPP on GUI.

            - Q value can vary as it has only local effect

            - Press Start Session and you will be connected to your ensemble. 

