NetworkSound Mamba AudioStreamer product provides an ideal way to get multi-channel (up to 64 channels @ 48K - 24 bits) between 2 or more identical AudioStreamer boxes over standard Ethernet LAN/IP infrastructure. Ideal for transmitting audio across 2 buildings in a campus network or in the same building. No special or dedicated cabling is required.
A simple PC based application allows you to setup number of audio channels, local and remote IP address, gateway IP address, UDP port numbers, master or slave and other features. The application from the PC connects to the audio stream box via Ethernet or WLAN on the same network. The IP address for the devices has to be routable IP i.e you should be able ping each other using 2 PCs.
Mamba Audiostreamer implements advanced clock recovery technique as well as dynamic buffering to minimize the jitter over IP network. Bandwidth of underlying IP network is key for a low latency and lossless audio delivery. Ideal applications include school or university campus, large office building or even inside a recording studio.